Cool Robots Thayer School CRREL Mission Science Papers and Publications Pictures Team and Acknowledgements
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Team and Acknowledgements
This research work has been supported by the National Science Foundation through grant #OPP-0343328

The team would like to thank the following people and organizations for their support of this work
(in no particular order)

Thayer School of Engineering
Kevin Baron
Pete Fontaine
Leonard Parker
Mike Ibey
Prof. Marc Lessard
Rene Dauphinais
Phil Tacy
Inky at FO&M

Vendors and Technical Support
Digikey Corporation
SunPower Corporation
Advanced Motion Controls
EAD Motors
Billingsley Aerospace and Defense
Wilson Tire
MSC Industrial Supply Company
Ultralife Batteries
Maxim Semiconductor
Texas Instruments

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Site © Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H.